How to Start a Blog When Writing Feels Dreadful

Struggling to get your blog started because the thought of actually sitting down to write something feels overwhelming and dreadful? 

You might think you have nothing to write or maybe you think no one will even read your blog. Or you also might be wondering, does anyone even read blogs anymore

The answer is YES. The most up-to-date blogging statistics in 2022 reveal that an overwhelming 77% of internet users regularly read blog posts and 71% of B2B buyers consume blog content during their buyer journey.  

Not to mention, blogging can be one of the most profitable content marketing strategies you use for your business. You’re 13x more likely to get a positive ROI by investing in blogging as a key marketing strategy.

And if you think you have nothing to say, I don’t buy that because everyone has something interesting and unique to say and people want to hear it and read it. What’s essential to stand apart from the crowd is that you put your spin on whatever topic or niche you decide to write about. 

For example, I decided my blog would be a space to write about the protection of our ocean, positive sustainability topics, and how to use content marketing as a way forward interwoven with themes of faith that reveal the mysteries of our world and why we should care about and protect our creation. 

That’s pretty specific, right? That’s the key, the more specific and niched you make your blog, the more success you’ll see overtime. 

And if you’re thinking “I have no earthly idea how to get that specific about a BLOG!” 

Don’t worry, it’s taken me 12 years to figure that one out, but we’ll touch on that later. 

So let’s dive in!  


Choose your blog niche

The reason I started my blog 12 years ago was because I had recently watched the movie The Cove and I was determined to do something about the massive dolphin slaughter happening half way across the world in Taiji, Japan. 

So I decided to start writing and speaking about it. I’d speak in classrooms around my campus at FSU and I started my blog to write more about the dolphin slaughter and other ocean issues that I was passionate about.  

At first, my mom, boyfriend at the time, and maybe my sisters were the only ones who actually read my blog. But slowly, more and more friends and students on campus started signing up for my newsletter to read my blogs because I was passionate about it and because I was consistent with it too.

Then I started writing more environmental film reviews to raise awareness about other environmental documentaries touching on serious environmental issues around the world. This is actually how I landed my first real job writing blogs and other content for The Rachel Carson Council while I finished my Master’s degree.

Today, my blog has evolved and is super niched down into something different, and that’s ok! It’s normal if your blog changes over time. It will take some time to truly understand what your audience is wanting to read from you and what lights you up everyday to actually write. What’s important is to just start. 

So, how do you find your blog niche? 

Your blog niche is basically made up of something you’re passionate about, what you have experience in, and what your audience follows you for.

Side note, if you don’t know why your audience follows you, check the pulse and ask them by sending out a survey! 

Here are some helpful tips: 

If you’re starting a blog to market your business or organization, your blog niche should somehow be related to the service or product you offer. 

If you’re starting a blog as a personal project or as an individual, this goes without saying, but you’ll want to choose a niche that you love writing about like cooking, diving, eco-hacks, investing, etc.

So to use my blog as an example, my passion lies in ocean conservation and sustainability, I have experience in content marketing, and my readers follow me for topics on the intersections of faith and the protection of creation.

What next?


Come up with a blog name and description 

Finding the right blog name can be hard. If your blog is for your business you don't really have to come up with a separate name unless you want to. Mine is just an extra tab on my website:

But if it’s a personal blog, it’s a good idea to come up with a catchy and fun name that fits the theme of what you’re writing about.

Here are some inspiring bloggers with catchy names that fit their niche: 

After you find your blog name, you’re ready to write!


Write your first blog post

This is like the beginning of an awesome story that you’re about to take your readers on.

If your blog is to market your business or organization, your first post could be about your business, why you started it, your values, and what you’re excited to share with them in the year ahead. 

If you have more of a personal blog, you could make your first post introducing yourself, why you decided to start your blog, and some of the topics you’re excited to cover in your blog. 

Don’t overthink it so much, it doesn’t have to be perfect. 

Some general best practices to keep in mind as you’re writing:

  • Keywords for SEO- google or search on Pinterest the top searched phrases for your topic to see what people are searching for. Use these keywords in your title, URL, first paragraph, throughout the blog, and in your meta description.

  • Make sure your intro paragraph hooks your readers to keep them scrollin’.

  • Write in your brand voice, it should sound natural and like you’re talking to a friend.

  • Your conclusion should have a strong call to action that guides the reader to their next action.

  • Use backlinks throughout your blog if you can, meaning link other pieces of your content, website, products, or services in your blog post.

Blog niche

What’s Next?

Customize your post!

Add some engaging headers for each section and some pretty pictures, publish it on your website and now you’re ready to launch it to the world! 

Finally, if you’re really dreading every single second of trying to find the right words for every single blog post, don’t force it. Step away from it for a few days and come back to it.

Yes, overtime it gets easier, just like with anything you practice. But if after giving it a good chance, you still feel like writing is dreadful, I’m happy to help so let’s chat!

Of course you don’t have to be a blogger to build your audience or grow your sales. There are plenty of other platforms content creators use to grow their brand such as youtube channels, email marketing, and podcasts, but blogging is still that top trusted marketing strategy helping tons of businesses thrive and bring in more leads!

Comment below with your blog journey or let me know if this helped you inch a little closer to starting your blog today! 


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