5 Tips to Resurrect Your Email List After Going MIA

Does your newsletter game look like this colony of sleepy sea lions?

So you’ve ghosted your readers or subscribers, it’s been a few months orrr.. years since you last sent out that newsletter.

How do you resurrect your newsletter without feeling like you let your readers down?

While I’m sure you didn’t intentionally leave em’ hanging, coming back online after a silent pause can be kinda awkward.

No matter how organized and planned your content calendar might be, in the small business world...


  • Emergencies come up

  • You take a full-time job

  • You miss a launch

  • Family calls

I get it, and I have some tips for you to feel less awkward when you decide to pop back in to those inboxes!

Email Marketing

Here are 5 things I did when I reintroduced myself to my subscribers after going silent for a year and half!

  1. Don’t make it weird- Don’t feel like you have to say, “I know it’s been 5 months since I’ve emailed you but….” Keep it short and sweet, don’t get into the details about why you’ve been MIA, no one cares.

  2. Give them a reason to open your email- load the first email with value, send them a swipe file, a discounted price on your products or services, your favorite tools and resources you use with clients, access to a webinar, or even a valuable blog post.

  3. Tell them it’s ok if they want to unsubscribe- Maybe you’ve changed up your services or you’ve gone through a re-brand like I did before emailing my list again. Be transparent about how your business has shifted. You can re-introduce yourself in that first email and remind them why they may have signed up to your newsletter in the first place and why they may want to continue getting your emails. Then say, “if you’re not feeling this content anymore, feel free to unsubscribe!” Here’s a snapshot of how I did this when I first reached back out to my list after my rebrand.

email marketing

4. Have a clear call to action- Make sure your reader knows what to do next whether it be accept your offer, unsubscribe from your list, visit your new website, or wherever you want to lead them after reading your email.

5. Keep showing up consistently- Aka don’t ghost them again!

With 4.3 billion email users around the world, this is a marketing opportunity you DO NOT want to miss out on for your business. Email is that next best (after in person) genuine one-to-one interaction people crave from the brands they buy from. So… get back out there and email your list!  

Have you reintroduced yourself to your email list recently? Tell me how in the comments.

Join the newsletter for more on multicultural email marketing!


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