8 Natural Remedies for Better Sleep

Everyone knows that tossing and turning in bed with a racing mind unable to fall asleep is NOT fun. As a writer, getting adequate sleep is crucial for me in order to kick my creative brain into action. If I don’t get at least 7 hours of sleep a night, it’s really hard for me to operate at my highest potential.

Because I really value my restful nights, I’ve decided to put together a list of some of my favorite natural remedies that help me doze off to better sleep. If you suffer from an anxious mind, nerves, stress, or restlessness before bedtime,  try practicing some of these sleep exercises to see if you can take charge of healthier sleeping patterns.  

The purpose of this blog post is not to offer any medical advice, but to inform you of the many natural sleeping exercises that help me and may help you. 

  1.   Earthing

Earthing is the process of absorbing Earth’s energy from its surface through direct skin contact with the human body. Today, it’s more and more common to be completely disconnected from our Earth because of technology and our busy schedules, and we forget to take some time in our day to connect with nature.  Studies have shown that Earthing can increase the release of melatonin in the body, an important hormone that induces sleep. How to practice Earthing? Go outside, kick off your shoes, and take some time to walk around barefoot, feeling the Earth beneath your feet. By reconnecting yourself to the Earth beneath you, you’re allowing your body to release stress and return to calmness, allowing you to sleep better. Read more here

Earthing for sleep

2. Disconnect from all electronics before bedtime 

I’ve done this during Lent several years. Watching the news, checking emails, or social media can stimulate your mind, affecting your circadian rhythm and blocking the release of melatonin in the body, in large part to the artificial blue light emitted by these devices. Having a digital curfew an hour or two before going to bed really helps clear and relax the mind. 

3. A Regular Workout Routine

This one has been really hard for me to keep up, but when I do, I notice a huge difference in my sleeping patterns. Exercise helps decrease stimulation, anxiety, stress, and depression. Incorporating a regular exercise routine into your day can have strong effects on reducing these symptoms, helping you doze off to peaceful sleep at night.

4. Moon milk

Moon Milk originates from the Ayurveda holistic diet, a centuries old healing practice. Moon milk consists of warm milk with nutmeg, cinnamon, Ashwagandha (Indian ginseng) turmeric, and honey.  All natural ingredients with anti-inflammatory/ antioxidant properties to calm and relax the body. Check your local health food store to see if they carry it or try making your own!

5. Prayer/ Meditation

Praying the Rosary or meditating before bed always clears my head and helps me feel calm at night. I’ve now made this part of my regular practice before bed and noticed how much it’s helped me fall asleep easier and more peaceful.

6. Reading

Reading a good creative book or story before bed helps me take my mind off all the other things going on in my life. Story time has always helped me stay more present, relaxing my mind and calming any nerves or tension I might have. 

7. Sleep Stories

I absolutely LOVE putting on a good sleep story before bed. Out of everything on this list, this is what knocks me out in just about 10-15 minutes if it’s a good one. I like listening to the Calm or Hallow app sleep stories. With a variety of categories like nature, music, travel, Bible stories, or nightly prayers, I’ve fallen asleep to peaceful dreams without a problem using both of these apps. Butbecause I love sleep stories SO much, I decided to make my very own series of sleep stories! Check out my very first sleep story, Under the Ocean Bounty and drift off to peaceful dreams swimming through our underwater world.

These are just a few of the things that help me fall asleep. If you’re having a rough sleeping week, try one of these ideas and see if it helps you sleep in peace. I’d love to hear what else works for you, let me know in the comments!

Happy sleeping & sweet dreams! 🌙


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